Living in Australia
Australia, the land of brown outback and brownies, has a few things going for it. While you might have moved here thinking it was the most northern white spot on the planet, you are mistaken.Australia is a melting pot of cultures. A land where most people talk the same language eats the same food and dresses the same way. While you might find yourself at home there, no two cities look or sound the same.
If you have ever wondered how Australia was colonized by European settlers, you are not alone.
New Zealand was an independent country for a few years, but Australia was totally taken over by Europe. Before this happened, Australia was a colony, one where immigrants would choose to live. They arrived here to work on the goldfields or for gold mining.
When Britain had its gold rushes, it offered different sorts of rewards to those who would stay and fight the natives. Australian settlers opted to stay and work, and soon it became a whole nation. It is not that different from New Zealand today.
The most prevalent difference between Australia and New Zealand is culture. While the former has influenced the latter, there is no clear case of the latter making it back to the former.
Australia is a unique country, with mountains, deserts, cities, rivers, lakes, and deserts. When you get here, you have no idea what you will find. People here speak many different languages and use many different foods.
This country is a lot like you, except in a different way. No matter what you can do, there is always something you can learn.
Some people choose to live in Australia for the wilderness. They want a place where they can go and get away from the city. Other people go there because it is so close to home.
There are many things to see and do in Australia. If you enjoy nature, then this place is for you.
A lot of people have come to Australia for retirement. If you love the outdoors, then this is a wonderful place to live. This is not the end of your adventures; it just means that you will never be as far away from them as you were before.
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